Download Mozilla Firefox 16.0.2 Free for windows xp, windows 7 and 8 from here Download Firefox 16.0.2 for Mac OS X from here and for Linux from here So, we’ve updated the download links to 16.0.2. Update: Mozilla Firefox is updated to 16.0.2 because a major vulnerability was found in Firefox 16. Firefox 15, lots of new features, enhancements, support have been added which is being continued in this version also, like SPDY protocol v3 support, WebGL enhancements, silent & automatic updates, etc. If you’ve switched to Google Chrome browser for some reason, its time to switch back to Mozilla firefox as Firefox 16 is much improved from previous versions. Some other fixes that has been made include – default opus codec support (for low latency realtime communication purposes), per tab reporting in about:memory, MD5 as hash algorithm in digital signatures no longer supported, implementation of reverse animation direction, etc.Scratchpad displays a list of recently opened files.Such prefix-free method should be advocated by all browsers. This makes the development job easier and maintains universality on all modern browsers. Unprefixed means that writing codes without vendor-applicable prefixes i.e. To ease the development and maintenance work of web developers, Firefox 16 adds support for several uprefixed css3 animations, transitions, transforms, and gradients in addition to certain unprefixed HTML 5 elements(indexedDB, battery API, vibration API), HTML 5 Microdata API, element, etc.The Developer Toolbar has been upgraded with new buttons for easy and quick access to tools, error count for the Web Console, and a new command line for quick keyboard access.These apps will be available for download in Mozilla Marketplace. Now is the time to enjoy awesome web apps on our favorite Mozilla Firefox browser. We’ve already seen such web apps on Google Chrome browser. Web apps are apps that can run in any browser or standalone and can run even offline. Initial support for web apps for Windows, Linux, Mac as well.When you type something in address bar, the matching suggestions below shows the matching word highlighted in square blocks.Voice-over is solution for blind or people with difficulty in vision to use mac computer in easy, enjoyable and simple way. For Mac users, the voice-over support in Firefox 16 has been turned on by default.

To end user, this means that animations, mouse clicks, games, all these and other javascript based actions will now happen more speedily and smoothly without causing Firefox pause or short-duration hangs.

This way, it ensures better memory management, greatly improved swiftness in response and speed of javascript execution. With this method, the garbage collector will collect no-longer used memory and so the same could be used for new javascript objects. Increase in Javascript responsiveness with incremental garbage collection technique – This new technique is being introduced in Firefox 16 for the first time.Download Firefox 16.0.2 for Mac OS X from here and for Linux from here.Download Mozilla Firefox 16.0.2 Free for windows xp, windows 7 and 8 from here.